Unisa Online Application 2023-2024
University of South Africa (UNISA) Online Application for Admission to 2023-2024 Academic year information has been released and published on UNISA’s official website: www.unisa.ac.za. On this resourceful page, we have briefly explained the necessary steps that are required to apply to UNISA online for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Application and Registration opening and closing dates: Before you decide to apply or register for admission to study at Unisa in the 2023-2024 academic year, you have to check whether the application or registration is still opened or closed. Unisa may not accept late applications and registration for any reason. For more details on Unisa application & registration dates in 2023, visit their official website: www.unisa.ac.za.
Unisa Application Dates for the 2023 academic year
Applications for admission to undergraduate qualifications ( Higher Certificates, Advanced Certificates, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas and Degrees), Honours degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas for the 2023 academic year will be open from 1 September 2022 to 14 October 202.
Applications for admission to master’s and doctoral qualifications for the 2023 academic year will be open from 11 September to 14 November 2022. NB: The Applications Website for the University of South Africa will be available from 19th August 2022 for the 2023 academic year.
Application and Registration fees
Note to pay your application and enrollment fees during the University of South Africa’s deadlines. UNISA will supply the payment system and financial records for any payment.
Application forms: Applications to the University of South Africa (Unisa) may be completed online or on paper. Since applying for Unisa online is quicker and more accessible, we advise students to do so for the 2023 academic year. Instead, you can download an application form in pdf format for 2022. Unisa Online Application 2023-2024
To graduate with a Unisa qualification, you must pass a minimum number of NQF level credits in a certain period of time. It’s also important that you keep track of your studies and pass the NQF level credits you enrol in each semester or year. Please be aware of the University of South Africa’s acceptance and re-admission policies.
Each certification page includes instructions for completing the application successfully.
- Applicants (fresh applicants and Unisa students applying for a new qualification) will only enrol if they have submitted a placement request from Unisa and approved it online. If it is discovered that you were wrongly admitted to a qualification, Unisa retains the right to refuse to process and/or revoke your registration.
- Students who are re-registering must do so within the appropriate registration time for the 2023 academic year.
UNISA Online Application Process for 2023
- A limited number of two credentials, which are ranked in order of choice, can qualify you (although you may only register for one if both of your qualifications are successful).
- The result of your submission will be sent to you by Unisa. If you are admitted, Unisa will inform you which qualification you have been accepted for and will give you a position for the time you applied for semester 1.
- You have a certain amount of time to approve or refuse Unisa’s bid. If you skip the deadline, Unisa will cancel your bid and give your spot to another candidate.
- You are only permitted to take one offer. This means that if you accept an offer for one certificate (whether it’s the first or second choice), the other will immediately be revoked.
- You must register for the time in which you have been given the entry if you accept Unisa’s offer for semester 1. You will need to apply again for admission during the next eligibility period if you do not enrol for the required semester of study.
- Please check whether you meet the statutory and college-specific admission criteria, as well as the appropriate academics points score (APS) for your chosen qualification, before submitting an application (s). A minimum APS of 15 is required for a higher certificate, an APS of 18 for a diploma, and a minimum APS of 21 for a bachelor’s degree.
UNISA Application Outcome for 2023
Your submission will be reviewed by Unisa, which will provide a points scheme. If you meet the academic entry criteria for your chosen qualification, the minimum academic points score (APS), and the number of places available for the qualification for which you have applied, you will be given a space for semester 1 of the 2023 academic year.
How to Apply for Admission at Unisa in 2023, Here is What you Should Know: Unisa Online Application 2023-2024
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- unisa application dates
- unisa application admission
- Unisa application fees 2023
- Unisa application fee account number
- Unisa application form 2023 pdf download
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- register with Unisa
- Apply to Unisa
- Unisa track status
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