How many eponymous skills does Julia Soares have? Julia Soares has 1 eponymous skill currently named after her in the code of points. The skill is a beam mount called the “Soares 1” which comprises a candle mount with a half twist. The skill is currently valued at a C.
The skill was named after she became the first woman to successfully perform it at a FIG-recognised competition in 2021.
How many eponymous skills does Julia Soares have? : Julia Soares Age
Julia Soares was born on the 23rd of August, 2005 in Curitiba, Brazil. As such, Julia is 18 years old as of 2023.
She has an older sister, from whom she learned and developed an interest in gymnastics.
How many eponymous skills does Julia Soares have? : Julia Soares Championship Record
As it stands Julia has 3 Pan American Championship medals, 4 South American Games Championships, 5 South American Championships and 1 FIG World Cup
How many eponymous skills does Julia Soares have? : Julia Soares Height
Julia Soares stands at 1.62 metres.